Be careful of what you buy in the grocery store

3:55:00 AM
snacksBe careful of what you buy in the grocery store, an attractive food package
and expensive price does not necessarily mean that it is healthy. Famous
product endorsers can also be very convincing but you should not believe
everything you see and hear from them. It is best that you have your own
knowledge of what is good for you.

The most important thing to know about allergy is the allergen. Allergens are
substances that trigger allergy which can be in the form of dust, pet’s hair,
scents, pollen and smoke. Trace the pattern of your allergy. Sneezing after
cleaning your house might mean that your allergens are dust.

Do an elimination dieting if you suspect that you are allergic to foods. Do this
gradually by eliminating each food you usually eat for a period of 2 to 4 weeks
to see changes. The process will be repeated in an opposite manner by
introducing again the eliminated food to see if allergic symptoms will be
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